
Adopt A Highway #5

For the uninitiated, let me explain. A couple years ago, The Trekky Records Collective posed a question: Why is it that only law firms and church groups get to adopt highways? We wanted a highway of our own, to raise in our own image. The highway we never had. When given a chance to select our highway, we of course chose North Greensboro St. in Carrboro, NC. The busiest highway in Carrboro. So now we are charged with the noble stewardship of two miles of road and sidewalk, jutting through Carrboro like a ANTM catwalk. Every couple months we assemble and clean.

Adopt A Highway #5 was a classic cleaning. We picked up little pieces of paper, received hurried "Thank You!"s from Carrboro Vegans, found a skateboard without wheels, half of a Pokemon card, a Teva sandal and (I think) our spiritual beings. Keep Carrboro Green, Y'all!

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